
The contents of these posts are for general information only, and should not be construed as legal advice.


Podcast: Inside Medical Malpractice

OverviewThis series of podcasts with plaintiff lawyer Shelagh McGregor is an absolute must for anyone considering medical legal work or wanting to know more about the role of the expert...

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Claiming Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act

When an individual is injured on the property of another person, or a business, the party responsible for that property may be liable for the victim’s injuries.

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Employers and Vicarious Liability

It is a well-known principle of law that, generally, Employers are liable for the negligence of their Employees.  This is known as Vicarious Liability.

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How Do the Courts Determine Who is at Fault for a Motor Vehicle Accident?

On a fine summer day in Edmonton, Peter made a left-hand turn on a yellow light.

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Alberta Courts’ Response to COVID-19

The Courts have implemented several changes to encourage social distancing in accordance with the recommendations of the government and public health authority.

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Weir Bowen – COVID-19 Firm Update

At Weir Bowen we are continuing to monitor the evolution of COVID-19 and are following the recommendations of our government and public health officials to ensure the safety of our employees and clients.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Very few disputes actually end with a decision from a judge, even if they find their way into a courtroom at some point or another. There are a variety of forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) available at various points during litigation, and even before it starts.

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When A Family Member Takes Care of the Injured Plaintiff: In Trust Claims for Past Cost of Care

When a person is catastrophically injured and requires care, their family members often step in to provide that care, even to the point of needing to quit their jobs to do so.

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Structured Settlements

A structured settlement is something that many of our clients consider obtaining at the conclusion of their lawsuit. This article addresses what a structured settlement is, as well as some of the considerations behind choosing a structured settlement rather than receiving a settlement in a lump sum.

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The Supreme Court of Canada Clarifies the Standard of Review for Administrative Law

Administrative law governs the exercise of public power by government delegates. Those empowered by the Parliament of Canada and the Legislature of Alberta to make decisions that affect the day-to-day life of Canadians must do so in accordance with the rule of law. This means that they must exercise their powers in accordance with the law and cannot exercise their power arbitrarily.

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The lands on which Edmonton sits and the North Saskatchewan River that runs through it have been the sites of natural abundance, ceremony and culture, travel and rest, relationship building, making, and trading for Indigenous peoples since time immemorial. Edmonton is located within Treaty 6 Territory and within the Metis homelands and Metis Nation of Alberta Region 4. We acknowledge this land as the traditional territories of many First Nations such as the Nehiyaw (Cree), Denesuline (Dene), Nakota Sioux (Stoney), Anishinaabe (Saulteaux) and Niitsitapi (Blackfoot).

Weir Bowen acknowledges the many First Nations, Métis and Inuit who have lived in and cared for these lands for generations. We are grateful for the traditional Knowledge Keepers and Elders who are still with us today and those who have gone before us. We make this acknowledgement as an act of reconciliation and gratitude to those whose territory we reside on or are visiting.